How Toxicity Affects the Skin

How Toxicity Affects the Skin

Common Triggers of Skin Issues:

  • Toxins: bacteria, parasites, viruses, mold, metals
  • Yeast or fungus (Candida)
  • Compromised immune system
  • Imbalance in the gut microbiome
  • Allergens or irritants
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Genetics
  • Slow drainage or poor organ function

The skin, being the body's primary detox organ, is prone to rashes as a result of detoxification processes. Toxins such as bacteria, parasites, mold, and metals can hinder detox systems, disrupting organ function and elimination. This disruption can lead to mast cell activation, histamine release, inflammation, immune disturbances, bacterial overgrowth, and an imbalance of gut flora. These factors were particularly relevant during my struggle with Breast Implant Illness.

Elimination disruption through the bowels, liver, lymph, kidneys, and lungs forces toxins to exit through the skin, as depicted in the image below.

Indicators of Elimination Disruption:

  • Acne – pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, nodules
  • Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) – dry, scaly, itchy rash, white/red
  • Perioral Dermatitis – red, inflamed, around the nose and mouth
  • Psoriasis – scaly, silvery, sharply defined skin patches
  • Hives – raised, red, itchy areas, mildly painful to the touch
  • Rosacea – swelling, red bumps, prominent blood vessels, pimples
  • Fungal infections – reddish, itchy, scaly rash
  • Cold sore (viral) – red, painful, fluid-filled blister near mouth/lip
  • Keratosis pilaris – patchy, bumpy, slightly red, rough
  • Shingles (viral) – red, blistered rash
  • Contact Dermatitis (Ring Worm, allergens/irritants) – red, scaly rash

Hormonal Influence:

A balanced gut translates to healthy skin, as an overburdened liver often results in skin issues. Menstrual cycle-related acne is often due to the liver struggling to eliminate excess hormones quickly. Elevated estrogen levels also contribute to Candida infections.

Skin Responses During Protocols:

Skin reactions during detox or kill protocols arise from toxin release during bug elimination, impaired drainage, inflammation, bacterial/fungal overgrowth, or immune and hormonal imbalances.

Parasitic Impact:

Persistent acne, eczema, and mouth area rashes may indicate skin symptoms associated with parasites.

Fungal Effects:

Sensitivity, rash, itchiness, burning, flushing, sunlight sensitivity, peeling, and fungal skin infections may result from mold/yeast/candida overgrowth.

Viral Signs:

Cold sores and potential shingles outbreaks may occur when treating parasites, releasing associated viruses.

Mast Cell Activation:

Histamine release from mast cells can cause sweating, flushing, itching, and swelling, often triggered by mold or bartonella.

The Mold, Metal, & Candida Trifecta:

Mold and metals diminish essential nutrients supporting liver detox phases, crucial for toxin elimination. Candida's biofilms, absorbing heavy metals and mold spores, can block lymph/liver drainage and induce acne, eczema, or psoriasis. Uncontrolled candida colonization prompts basophils to release histamine, triggering allergic-type reactions and inflammatory skin conditions.

Detox Solutions for Skin Health:

  • Enhance bowel, liver, kidney, and lymph support
  • Stay well-hydrated
  • Use additional binders
  • Consider coffee enemas
  • Adjust diet (low sugar/low histamine)
  • Address root causes, such as breast implants
  • For fungal skin conditions, reduce inflammation and target overgrowth with specific supplements.

In dealing with any chronic condition, it is crucial to address mindset and stress for comprehensive healing.

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