What Was Your Life Like Prior to Becoming Sick?

What Was Your Life Like Prior to Becoming Sick?

I frame the question as "What was life like before falling ill?" rather than "What was life like before breast implants?" because I believe it's crucial to consider the broader context, examining the entire scenario rather than focusing solely on the aftermath of implants. I'll share my response here to encourage contemplation, and I'm eager to hear your thoughts.

Before falling ill, I enjoyed a content and conventional lifestyle. I indulged in the Standard American Diet without much thought about what I consumed, engaged in weightlifting at the gym, participated in activities like skiing and hiking, attended sporting events, traveled internationally with my husband, created cherished memories, planned for our future, and more. I thrived without experiencing any noticeable symptoms, blissfully ignorant of impending health challenges.

Leading up to getting breast implants, my body endured various stressors. My mother, during pregnancy, had numerous mercury amalgam fillings. Although born vaginally, I was breastfed for only a short period due to insufficient milk supply, coupled with colic. These factors undoubtedly impacted my immune function and gut health, considering the known impact of toxic exposure beginning in the womb. Beyond mercury exposure, over 230 different industrial pollutants affect us in utero.

Growing up in a low-income family with limited access to fresh, healthy foods, our diet predominantly consisted of processed or fast food. My childhood diet, high in sugar, fostered a strong sweet tooth and a distaste for healthy foods, leading to unhealthy eating habits in adulthood. Even during my tenure as a night-shift nurse, dinner often comprised a burger, fries, coke, and a candy bar.

As a teenager, frequent bouts of strep throat resulted in numerous rounds of antibiotics, further compromising my gut and immune system. Subsequently, working as a night-shift nurse for five years took a toll on my health. The National Toxicology Program's report highlighted the "high confidence" link between persistent night shift work and the potential to cause human cancer, deeming it "probably carcinogenic to humans."

Simultaneously, I was deeply invested in fitness, progressing from P90x to bodybuilding, driven by a desire for the ideal physique. Engaging a trainer specializing in bikini competitions led me to push my body to extremes, culminating in what I now recognize as body dysmorphia and disordered eating.

Since childhood, I harbored a longing for larger breasts, influenced by a pivotal moment when someone significant remarked that I would inherit "the Johnson boobs." This memory fueled my belief that big breasts were integral to beauty and desirability. Despite my longstanding desire, it was my commitment to a fitness lifestyle that prompted the decision to undergo breast augmentation, believing it would enhance my sense of beauty and worth.

This decision marked a turning point in my life, triggering a cascade of events set in motion by various stressors. It emphasizes the importance of considering a multitude of factors, even if breast implants served as the trigger. The common combination of toxic exposures, infections, and various traumas (physical, structural, mental, emotional, sexual) often converges to create a perfect storm.

Reflecting on your experiences, what was life like before you fell ill? Feel free to reply to this if you'd like to share! 

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