Double Helix Water
Double Helix Water
Double Helix Water®
Double Helix Water® is a unique, ultra-pure water form containing concentrated stable water clusters formed at a microscopic level.
We guarantee 15 ml per bottle which is about 0.5oz. For the basic dosage you take 3 drops of the Double Helix Water mixed into an 8oz glass twice a day, mix it in distilled water or the cleanest water you can find. This gives you a little over a month supply with one bottle of Double Helix Water.
Invitro studies show that taking just a few drops a day can boost immune function, improve cellular interaction, improve metabolic function, reduce recovery time, increase energy and give one an improved overall feeling of wellness and good health.
Research indicates that it operates on a cellular level, providing the body’s cells with a cellular “tune up”, allowing for improved cleaning of waste matter and permitting cellular functions to run more cleanly and efficient.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.