Organic Acids Lab
Organic Acids Lab
Assess cellular metabolic markers to detect imbalances, toxicity, and inflammation to complete the clinical picture of root causes of disease and imbalance in the human body.
The Organic Acids panel measures levels of important metabolites from cell and organ function, which can indicate imbalances in metabolism, risk for infection, abnormalities in neurotransmitters, impaired detoxification, nutritional deficiencies, and more. If you are looking for a broad assessment of underlying imbalances in the body, the Organic Acids panel provides a detailed look at important areas to focus on.
The Organic Acids panel is designed to take a broad look at multiple systems affected by inflammatory conditions. Consider this panel if you are experiencing gastrointestinal, neurological, detoxification, toxic exposure, or other inflammatory symptoms of unknown origin and want to narrow your clinical focus to which laboratory testing next steps will be most effective.
To prepare for the Organic Acids test, avoid apples, grapes, pears, and cranberries as well as their juices or products, and mushrooms and ribose supplements for 48 hours before urine collection. Fasting is not required. For best test performance, collect the first morning urine upon awakening. Do not collect any urine if you awaken and urinate overnight. Do not drink more than 8oz water 1 hour before urine collection as the urine sample may be rejected if the urine is too dilute. Consult with your ordering provider regarding whether to continue or discontinue any other dietary supplements or medications before your test.
Urine Sample Required.